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Autoimmune Eye Disorders Treatment in Nagpur

Autoimmune eye disorders are conditions in which the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissues in the eyes, leading to inflammation, vision problems, and other complications. Here’s an overview of causes, diagnosis, and symptoms of autoimmune eye disorders:

Causes of Autoimmune eye disorders

Autoimmune eye disorders occur when the immune system malfunctions and mistakenly targets healthy tissues in the eyes. The exact cause of these disorders is often unknown, but they are believed to result from a combination of genetic, environmental, and immunological factors. Certain autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and multiple sclerosis, can also be associated with autoimmune eye disorders.

How to Diagnosis Autoimmune Eye Disorders

Diagnosing autoimmune eye disorders typically involves a comprehensive eye examination by an ophthalmologist, who may also collaborate with other specialists such as rheumatologists or immunologists. Diagnostic tests may include:

  • Visual Acuity Test : This test measures how well you can see at various distances using an eye chart.
  • Slit-Lamp Examination : This examination allows the ophthalmologist to examine the structures of the eye, including the cornea, iris, and lens, using a microscope with a bright light.
  • Intraocular Pressure Measurement : This test measures the pressure inside the eye, which can help diagnose conditions such as uveitis or glaucoma.
  • Dilated Eye Examination : The ophthalmologist may administer eye drops to dilate (widen) the pupils, allowing for a more thorough examination of the retina and optic nerve.
  • Fluorescein Angiography : This imaging test involves injecting a fluorescent dye into a vein in your arm and taking photographs of the retina to evaluate blood flow and detect abnormalities.
  • Blood Tests : Blood tests may be conducted to check for markers of inflammation, autoimmune antibodies, or underlying autoimmune diseases.
Symptoms of Autoimmune Eye Disorders

The symptoms of autoimmune eye disorders can vary depending on the specific condition, but common symptoms may include:

  • Eye Redness : Inflammation of the eye can cause redness, irritation, and discomfort.
  • Blurred Vision : Vision may become blurry or hazy, making it difficult to see clearly.
  • Eye Pain : Some autoimmune eye disorders can cause pain, aching, or discomfort in the eyes.
  • Sensitivity to Light : Increased sensitivity to light (photophobia) is a common symptom of many autoimmune eye disorders.
  • Dry Eyes : Dryness and irritation of the eyes, along with a gritty or sandy sensation, may occur due to decreased tear production.
  • Floaters or Spots : Floaters are small dark spots or specks that drift across your field of vision, often seen when looking at a plain background.
  • Changes in Vision : Changes in vision, including double vision, blurry vision, or loss of vision in one or both eyes, may occur depending on the severity and location of inflammation.
It’s important to seek medical attention if you experience any persistent eye symptoms, as early diagnosis and treatment can help prevent complications and preserve vision. Treatment for autoimmune eye disorders typically involves reducing inflammation, managing symptoms, and addressing underlying autoimmune conditions with medications, surgery, or other interventions.

Call For Treatment of Autoimmune Eye Disorders in Nagpur : 8600052548 / 7020344296
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